Friday, April 30, 2010

I Had a Craving for Oreos


Don’t ask me to explain it. It was there when I woke up yesterday. I went to Topps, and they only had the Chocolate frosting kind (four stacks of those, and no regular!). I thought ‘what the hell’ and decided to go for an adventure.

I took the subway up to the Bronx, past the stadium, and stayed on until the last stop. I found myself in a neighborhood I didn’t know, so I wandered around and eventually came to Woodlawn Cemetery. Normally I’m pretty scared of graveyards, but Woodlawn had some white marble mausoleums and huge oak trees. I couldn’t help my curiosity.

At the visitor’s building, an old nice woman named Doris gave me a pamphlet that showed how to take a self-guided tour. I tipped her one hundred dollars.

I walked the paths all day. At first I was nervous about ghosts and everything, but it was daylight and pretty soon I calmed down. I traced the names on the grave stones. I brushed the leaves off if any had fallen on top. All in all, it was probably the best day I’ve ever had, except for some times when I wished there was a girl to be there with me. At those moments I felt sad, the kind of sad you only feel in the fall.

I would have stayed all night, but at five I got a call from Joe Torre reminding me of the baseball game. I said goodbye to Doris, told her she could have tickets any time she wanted, and got back on the train.

Oh, and I didn’t get Oreos. To be honest, I forgot all about them.

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